Kickstarter Success: 8 Things I Did Right
Kickstarter is a marathon, from bugging family and friends to expressing gratitude for supporters every day. Here’s how I got across the finish line.
Kickstarter is a marathon, from bugging family and friends to expressing gratitude for supporters every day. Here’s how I got across the finish line.
My Kickstarter campaign was a success, but if I had it to do over, I would change three things
When the going gets tough, the tough post statistics: 12 out of 16 chapters are more or less finished. And now I have a plug in to nag me.
Welcome to Day 3 of my scattershot look at the memoir-writing process. When I started writing Getting Naked for Money, I had what I thought was a pretty good idea of how to structure the book. I would focus on only one part of my life, the years that involved travel editing and writing, and move the story along chronologically, […]
Is there such a thing as journalistic purity? Can you expect rationality from a troll? These are some of the meaty matters I discuss here.
Lessons learned from a Kickstarter campaign include forgoing pride, being persistent, and moving on when something doesn’t work. And being shameless.
One of the most unlikely people to turn up in a Kickstarter video — or a deli — Lydia Davis has nevertheless been in both with me.
The first week’s Kickstarter successes, a doggie-version of the video, and a Memorial Day Weekend special!
Getting Naked for Money? Misguided? I couldn’t decide on a title for my book until a friend helped me justify the racier pick.
How a Ph.D. in literature came to write Arizona for Dummies, disrobe on a travel assignment to a nudist resort—and have a blast along the way.