It’s here—the stories of my adventures in travel publishing. Getting Naked for Money is named for the story of my assignment by a woman’s magazine to go to a nudist resort undercover – and uncovered!
These are chaotic times. Perhaps in an attempt to impose order on the world’s mess, several people I know are [...]
Editing is essential to establishing the credibility of any book, fiction and non-fiction, self-published or traditionally published. Here's a basic [...]
It’s hard to read the expressions on the faces of mask wearers, but I knew the two women walking together [...]
A few years and several lifetimes ago, I put together a book tour that involved my dog, Madeleine. I’m going [...]
It’s summer — the perfect time to read Getting Naked for Money: An Accidental Travel Writer Reveals All. This excerpt [...]
It’s been quite the year for new old things, including family history, travel publishing history, and European history. Last June, [...]
In preparation for teaching a food writing class, I asked several experts for their input. Boy, did I get some [...]
I spend a lot of time in the US Post Office these days, especially sending media mail with press releases. [...]
All book marketing is supposed to be done *before* publication, right? Not so! There's plenty of time to get the [...]
My summer book tour concludes with two readings in the Twin Cities: St. Paul on July 7, 7pm at SubText, [...]
Who doesn't love a bargain and a MEGA (Make Edie Great Again) book tour? Checkout my Kindle Countdown Sale and [...]
Getting Naked for Money, a memoir about travel, is a great summer read -- and my spokesdog, Madeleine, is very [...]
I contain multitudes. So said Walt Whitman. So showed one of my odder business cards. What can I say? It’s [...]
The last in the series of Memoir March reflections is a bit different: Author/essayist Manfred Wolf contemplates the questions of [...]
Outlining a narrative arc and creating composite characters helped make the memoir of veterinarian Jessica Vogelsang a success. [...]
How do you write an honest memoir without hurting members of your family? Liane Kupferberg Carter offers how she tackled [...]
A radio segment, a Tent Talk at the Tucson Festival of Books, and recording an audio book version of Getting [...]
Judith Fein's memoir, The Spoon From Minkowitz, was missing a key element in the first draft. Here she tells us [...]
Author Anna Redsand discusses how she found a way to organize To Drink from the Silver Cup, a moving memoir [...]
I've dedicated March to memoir-related posts because I'm going to be teaching a memoir-writing class, because I got memoirist friends [...]
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