Getting Naked in AZ, NM, TX & MN

The Author & Her Dog Book Tour
The Importance of Being Shameless: Book Tour Version
Ever since I decided to put the phrase “getting naked” into the title of my memoir, I have continued down the path of shamelessness. First, the fundraising on Kickstarter — wheedling, entertaining, posting pictures of my cute dog to get people to donate money.
Now using said cute dog to entice people to attend my talks and readings.
Shameless, yes — but not entirely gratuitous. Many people first encountered my writing in my dog book and and my dog blog. It’s what led them to take a chance on my memoir.
And I’m taking Madeleine along with me because…well, why wouldn’t I? She’s my great pal. She’s also a good traveler and will revel in the attention from all manner of people who have the potential to give her treats.
That pup will so work for food.
My Dog Will Be Naked, I Will Be Dressed
I know you knew that, but I had to say it anyway.
To avoid other confusion: Because of the picture, people might jump to the logical conclusion that I’m going on the road with Madeleine to hawk my dog book. I’m not. Sadly, that book is out of print (though available on Kindle). No, I’m touring now to promote my memoir — the tiny colored spot in the picture at the top of this post.
Here’s a larger version for your reference.
Why a Book Tour? Why Now?
Because honesty and shamelessness are inextricably linked I’ll tell you the truth, which won’t be news to anyone who knows me: I was in a terrible slump after the election. GETTING NAKED was published on October 26 and the candidate of my heart lost less than two weeks later. It’s not easy to get up the moxie to market a book when you’re feeling devastated.
But a book is new only once. And mine is a great summer vacation read, because it’s funny and because it’s about travel. Most of all, I work best when I have a deadline. I figured if I put together a book tour, I would be forced to publicize the tour and therefore my book.
How I managed to put it together without a publisher, without a publicist, and without paying any of the fees book stores often charge indie authors is a story for another day — and possibly another publication.
I’ll also go into more detail about all these stops in later posts.
Where You’ll Find Us
June: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas
Tuesday, June 13: Prescott, Arizona, Peregrine Book Company, 5-6:30pm
Thursday, June 15: Albuquerque, New Mexico: BookWorks, 6pm
Friday, June 16: Las Cruces, New Mexico: Barnes & Noble UNM, 2-4pm
Tuesday June 20: Austin, Texas: BookWoman, 7-8:30pm
Thursday, June 22: San Antonio, Texas: The Twig, 5-7pm
July: Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota
Friday, July 7: St. Paul, Subtext Books, 7pm
Thursday, July 13: Minneapolis, Minnesota, Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 7pm
A Final Plea
Do you live in any of these cities or have friends who live there? Please come see us and/or please spread the word.
Do it for me. Do it for Madeleine. Do it for shameless women (and dogs) everywhere. #Resist. #Persist. #Prevail.
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