Getting Naked in AZ, NM, TX & MN
Getting Naked for Money, a memoir about travel, is a great summer read — and my spokesdog, Madeleine, is very cute. Come see us on our first book tour!
Getting Naked for Money, a memoir about travel, is a great summer read — and my spokesdog, Madeleine, is very cute. Come see us on our first book tour!
Kickstarter is a marathon, from bugging family and friends to expressing gratitude for supporters every day. Here’s how I got across the finish line.
My Kickstarter campaign was a success, but if I had it to do over, I would change three things
Every dog needs a job. If you’re an author, considering getting yours to help with a crowdfunding campaign.
Lessons learned from a Kickstarter campaign include forgoing pride, being persistent, and moving on when something doesn’t work. And being shameless.
The first week’s Kickstarter successes, a doggie-version of the video, and a Memorial Day Weekend special!
Never had experience with a crowdfunded project before? Here are some basics about what it means to support my book on Kickstarter.
Getting close to launching my Kickstarter campaign — next week! — I explain some of the behind-the-scenes rationales and decisions.