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These are chaotic times. Perhaps in an attempt to impose order on the world’s mess, several people I know are decluttering their homes. (This is distinct from cleaning, though that is often required when the removal of clutter reveals a warren of dust bunnies.) It was in that spirit that I started Marie Kondo-izing my […]
Editing is essential to establishing the credibility of any book, fiction and non-fiction, self-published or traditionally published. Here’s a basic look at the process, including a definition of terms.
It’s hard to read the expressions on the faces of mask wearers, but I knew the two women walking together on the opposite side of the street were smiling at me and my dog: We’ve had plenty of pre-coronavirus encounters that involved friendly salutations. Also, it’s tough to resist smiling at Madeleine, a little white […]
A few years and several lifetimes ago, I put together a book tour that involved my dog, Madeleine. I’m going to talk about the logistics of its creation in a teleseminar on “How to Host Your Own Book Tour” for the Nonfiction Authors Association on Wednesday, April 1, 10am PT, 1pm ET. You’re talking about […]
It’s summer — the perfect time to read Getting Naked for Money: An Accidental Travel Writer Reveals All. This excerpt from my memoir–plus bonus text about my worst job interview, ever–is a teaser. Is Travel Writing Real Writing? I had writer’s block before I ever became a writer. By the time I was 25, I […]
NaBoMarMo: National Book Marketing Month Challenge
National Book Marketing Month Challenge Official Spokesdog
I can’t believe it. We’re practically halfway through November and I didn’t think to give myself a book-related challenge. How did that happen? I’m so good at self-flagellation and self-inflicted pain.
Last Year’s Challenge: Writing
Here’s what I posted last year.
WPOMMIN eventually morphed into WriPaMyMeNo but, while I joked about the name of the challenge, I took its mandate seriously. I created a logo.
I blogged every day. And I wrote part of my memoir in November.
The book is finished now. Yay, me! Which leads to…
This Year’s Challenge: Book Marketing
This year that little election thing clouded my thinking; I only posted a couple of times, without any particular structure. But, hell, it’s not too late. There’s still time in November.
And — because this is my blog and I can do what I want to — I’m going to do some retrospectives.
Day 1
Here is the first thing I did to market my book in November. I guest posted on the Travel Write Earn blog, a post called Horrible Editors (Recall and Regret).
Yes, I am that horrible editor; the post features an excerpt from Getting Naked for Money about straddling both sides of the editorial desk. Travel Write Earn is a terrific blog and my post had a great title and a great picture but it didn’t get much love — only two comments. The first one was strange. The second one was snarky.
Maybe half the population didn’t like image? I loved it.
Hey peeps. Would you mind going over there and commenting? That way, if I ask someone else to guest post, they will see that my posts get a lot of comments, and that not all of them are weird.
Thank you.
Coming tomorrow: Day 2 — My book launch.
Tags: blog commenting, guest posting, writing challenges