Write Part of My Memoir in November (WPOMMIN) Challenge, Day 1

Write Part of My MemoirSomehow, November has come to be designated the month of writing challenges.

Write Part of My Memoir in November (WPOMMIN), also known as Why I Am Not Writing My Memoir More Quickly Month (WIANoWriMyMeMoQuickMo or NoMeMoQuikMo) is my response to Write Nonfiction in November (WNFIN), also known as National Nonfiction Writing Month(NaNonFiWriMo). WNFIN is itself a response to National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).

Those last two are real things.

I considered calling my challenge NaNoBlogMo for National Nonfiction Blogging Month because my goal here it to bring traffic to my poor neglected blog, thereby raising awareness for my memoir, which is not poor or neglected but moving along more slowly than I’d hoped. I’ll get to that.

I do have pre-buyers for my memoir, everyone who contributed to my Kickstarter campaign. It is especially for you, dear contributors, that I decided to create NoMeMoQuikMo. Or WPOMMIN. I don’t want you to think I’ve spent all your money on foie gras or cocaine. I thought a self-imposed challenge might make you feel better about having invested in me. I also thought it would give me a burst of deadline accountability. Maybe I should call this challenge Post-Kickstarter Kick Myself in the Butt Month, PoKiKiMyBuMo.

Too Hawaiian?

Here’s my promise:

  • I will post on my blog every day in November.
  • I will try to write no more than 300 words because that would detract from working on my memoir, but no fewer than 50 because that would be kind of cheating.
  • My posts will have something to do with memoir writing.
  • I will use no more Acronyms or Semi Acronyms (AOSAs).


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About the Author

Edie Jarolim is a writer and editor living in Tucson, Arizona. Sign up on this blog to get updates about her humorous tell-all/memoir, GETTING NAKED FOR MONEY: An Accidental Travel Writer Reveals All.

6 Enlightened Replies

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  1. Am looking forward to your November series of posts, especially if they are AOSA-free. (-:

  2. Kate Kaemerle says:

    This is a great way to kickstart your writing this month 🙂

  3. I like NaNoBlogMo, but I’m already bloggin Mo than I have time for, so I guess I’ll avoid picking up the challenge. Good luck on your self-imposed challenge and particularly the NoMoAcronym part.

    • Edie says:

      Yes, you definitely have mo on your plate — as it were — than you need. I only did one of this once before, with Freud’s Butcher, and it nearly did me in. I plan to take it much easier this time.

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