Book Cover Bingo: Venus Hits the Beach
Venus on the half shell remains the star of Getting Naked for Money’s cover but her backdrop evolved from an ancient treasure map to a palm-fringed beach
Venus on the half shell remains the star of Getting Naked for Money’s cover but her backdrop evolved from an ancient treasure map to a palm-fringed beach
Marketing a book is hard, but since you spent all that time on your writing, you want the world to see it, yes? Yes!
Getting Naked for Money is as finished as it’s ever going to be. Now the process of sending it out into the world begins.
The books we loved as children are imbued with our memories. Is it possible to share them? Maybe not — but we still try.
Call it Write Part of My Memoir in November or Post-Kickstarter Kick Myself in the Butt Month. Or use a silly acronym. Just read it, okay?
Those of you who know about my successful Kickstarter campaign know I’m a big fan of crowdfunding. Now I’ve decided to try something new: crowdwriting. Some Background I’ve been going over the chapters I wrote of Getting Naked for Money in preparation for sending as much of the book as I’ve completed to an editor. A few people […]
Every dog needs a job. If you’re an author, considering getting yours to help with a crowdfunding campaign.
Since I completed a successful Kickstarter campaign, I’ve been on another mission: I want to take the stigma out of self publishing. Even more ambitious than doing a Kickstarter, eh? I realize I can’t single-handedly change negative perceptions of books that lie outside the traditional publishing realm. I can, however, try to make my book a worthy ambassador from the […]
Is there such a thing as journalistic purity? Can you expect rationality from a troll? These are some of the meaty matters I discuss here.
During this post-Kickstarter limbo period, I reflect on the benefits beyond the financial ones of my campaign, on living up to my contributors’ expectations, and more.
Think travel writing is glamorous — and lucrative? This excerpt from Getting Naked for Money will change your mind.
I was quick to rush to judgment on Caitlyn Jenner, especially on the age inappropriateness of her pose. Maybe I should look in the mirror.